Monday, August 8, 2011

Thought for the day

“Did you know that Christopher Columbus saw mermaids? In fact, he saw them so often he treated them as nothing out of the ordinary. They don’t teach you that fact in your average public school textbook, but it’s easy enough to find. Just research his captain’s log for the date of January 9th, 1493. On that single day he described sighting three of them. And in 1531 the people of a small village near Germany recorded having captured one. For some reason, they called it a “bishop fish.” It was male and died of starvation after refusing to eat.
My point? The world is full of magick and wonders, most of which are being completely ignored. People like to congratulate themselves for having the world all figured out when nothing is farther from the truth. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how so many people spend their lives in front of televisions, dismissing any phenomenon that doesn’t have its own reality show as “unreal.” Think about how many places you’ve traveled to in your car—like the grocery store. But you’ve never actually gotten out and explored the spaces between your home and the store. Who knows what you could find in those “familiar” places if you were to explore them?

There are all sorts of mysteries in the world, but no one looks for them anymore. No one wants to find them. How is that even possible? Can Twitter and “Jersey Shore” really be that interesting?”
Damien Echols

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